Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

When I was in fifth grade, our class took an overnight trip to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. We drove the eight hours to get there and stopped at the Virginia Military Institute, Harpers' Ferry and Anteitam. All of which were famous sites of the Civil War. When we got to Gettysburg, we had dinner in a grand hotel and went to a cemetary and heard ghost stories about the field we were sitting on. Then we went to our hotel and spent the night. The next day, we went to two old towers that were used during the Civil War. We went up on Seminary Ridge and to a piece of land in Gettysburg owned by North Carolina. Then we went to Big and Little Roundtop and Devil's Den. It is said that your camera will break if you take a picture of the inside of the den. If it doesn't break, there is said to be ghosts in the photo. The picture of the rocks proves that neither happens.

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